A blog about quilting, stitching and all the troubles of a working mother.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Friday, 24 June 2011
Hettie " Cathy" Bear is Born
As you problably read in one of my older post, I received a lots of gifts from my Zippy Purse Swap partner Toni from Red Boot Quilt Co. One of those gifts was a Basil and Hettie Bear pattern. My daughter immediately fell in love with Hettie and asked me if I could make her one.
I had never done a doll or something similar before so I was a bit scared with the final result but...No pain no gain. I did it and I can't say I'm not satitfied with the result. My daughet loved it to and now she'e got a new name : Hettie Cathy Bear.
I had never done a doll or something similar before so I was a bit scared with the final result but...No pain no gain. I did it and I can't say I'm not satitfied with the result. My daughet loved it to and now she'e got a new name : Hettie Cathy Bear.
In the living room watching TV!
Her favorite place: My dauther's bed!
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
One (or more) Flower Wednesday
I think I've been bitten by the Hexie Bug. I'm loving doing hexies, so I decided to join One Flower Wednesday. Here are my 3 hexies for today.
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Anorina's June block has arrrived
Today I received my partner's June block. It came from Anorina. The fabrics are wonderful, the star is beautiful.I just love it!
She also sent me a beautiful card with Australian flowers
Monday, 20 June 2011
Show and Tell Monday...
No Domingo fiz mais um alfineteiro para juntar à colecção.
This Sunday I made a new pincushion to add to my collection.
This Sunday I made a new pincushion to add to my collection.
Saturday, 18 June 2011
FNSI- Friday Night Stitch in
On Thursday I chose the fabrics and cut the templates. Yes...I've been bitten by the HEXIE BUG!!!
After my first hexie experience I couldn't wait to do some more and so last night I made a couple of them. I think I'm getting another addiction.

My garden is just begining . Maybe I'll try the Vignette Hexagon quilt....Who knows.
After my first hexie experience I couldn't wait to do some more and so last night I made a couple of them. I think I'm getting another addiction.
My garden is just begining . Maybe I'll try the Vignette Hexagon quilt....Who knows.
Friday, 17 June 2011
It's FNSI!!!Get ready
It's time for another FNSI. Get all your stuff ready and don't miss a night of fun sewing. I think I know what I'll be making...
Monday, 13 June 2011
I'm in Heaven!!!
Today was a very special one. I'm really a lucky girl. The postman brought me two packages.
The first one came from Leona at Leona's Quilting Adventure. I won a giveaway a little while ago and today I received my prize: A set of the most beautiful Aurifil threads. Not only that but Leona also added a gorgeous fat quarter. Thank you Leona you're most generous.
The Aurifil color catalogue will be very useful when I order more of this thread.
Next, the second package. It was a big one and came from Toni at Red Boot Quilt Company,
she was my partner at the Zippy purse swap and she sent me the most fabulous gifts:
Which had a surprise: A soap that smell so good that I think I'm going to have a bath with it right away.
She also sent me a pattern of some of her fabulous bears : Basil and Hettie ( my daughter has already chosen the fabrics to make Hettie next week-end).
By now you must think : That's all folks!! WRONG
Look at the most magnificent fabrics and buttons Toni included in the pakage.
Don't you think I'm the luckiest girl on the planet?
Friday, 10 June 2011
Dia De Portugal- National Day
Hoje é dia de Portugal e das comunidades portuguesas espalhadas por esse mundo fora. Em menos de um ano já "encontrei" duas quilters com raízes portuguesas mas que vivem bem longe; nos Estados Unidos e na Austrália. A todos os que estão longe mando um grande abraço.
Today is Portugal's National Day. It's also the day to remenber all the portuguese that live abroad all over the world.
I've been a blogger for less than a year and in the mean time I "found" two quilters that have portuguese roots. To all the portuguese far away I sent a big hug!
Sendo feriado pude escapar-me para o meu cantinho da costura e fiz duas carteirinhas para colocar todos aqueles cartões que agora nos "oferecem " nas lojas. Fiz uma grande para mim e uma pequenina para a minha filha, ela pediu uma pequenina que coubesse no bolso.
I know, I know...there's a button missing but it will be soon sewn.
Today is Portugal's National Day. It's also the day to remenber all the portuguese that live abroad all over the world.
I've been a blogger for less than a year and in the mean time I "found" two quilters that have portuguese roots. To all the portuguese far away I sent a big hug!
As it was a holiday i sneaked to my little sewing room and made a couple of card wallets ( they give you cards and coupons eveywhere). A big one for me and a little one for my daughter - she specially requested a small one.
I know, I know...there's a button missing but it will be soon sewn.
Saturday, 4 June 2011
O que tenho feito esta semana- What I've been doing lately
Finalmente terminei o Lollypop quilt. UFA!!!
I finally finished my Lollypop Quilt!Uff...
I finally finished my Lollypop Quilt!Uff...
Esta tarde decidi experimentar fazer um bloco que vi num tutorial no youtube. Chama-se bloco em 10 minutos e é realmente fácil mas faz um efeito extraordinário. Este foi só para treinar, o que eu pretendo é fazer um quilt usando um layer-cake e tecido branco para o centro.
This afternoon I tried to make a ten minute block. There's a great tutorial HERE. It's amazingly easy and the final effect is wonderful. This is only a trial block. I pretend to do a quilt top using my Giddy or Sugar Pop layer cakes.
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Birdie Stiches BOM -May block finished...On June 1st
It was only today that I got the block done. My finger didn't allow me to sew for a while. But now its finished!!!
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