Saturday 26 February 2011

Hand quilting again

Há já algum tempo que não me dedicava a sério ao quilt que estou a fazer para a minha filha. Outros trabalhos apareceram e este foi ficando para trás, mas hoje dediquei grande parte da tarde a quiltar à mão mais alguns quadrados. Já só faltam seis...

It's been quite a while since a last worked on my daughter's quilt. other works and swaps came in the middle and this one was in standby mode. However today I dedicated most of the afternoon to hand quilting a couple more squares. There are only six left to quilt...


Cheryl said...

Your hand quilting is so beautiful. I wish my stitches were so pretty. I know your daughter will love this quilt.

Linda in Arkansas said...

Such nice hand quilting. I bet you really enjoyed doing it and your daughter will love that you did this for her. Oh and the fabrics are lovely!